What to Expect
Acupuncture can be a wonderful, relaxing experience. The needles used at Longevity Acupuncture are very thin in diameter. While resting with needles in place, our patients are often lulled into a very calm, peaceful state. It is in that place where the deep healing begins.
Before arrival, a new patient will complete a survey of health history online and receive information regarding the privacy of health records.
Your practitioner will review your health history, and ask questions that cover both past and present. Asian methods of examination of the tongue and pulse are also included. Traditional Chinese medicine involves gathering information about the patient's pattern of disharmony. One person's headache or insomnia or gastrointestinal complaint can be very different than the next. When treating the pattern that causes those symptoms, a patient can find a greater sense of balance and good health. Often times, not only does that chief symptomatic complaint improve, but so do many other aspects of the overall being.
After thorough intake and discussion, the thin, hair-like, sterile, disposable needles are placed according to the diagnosis of disharmony. A patient may recline on their back in comfort with the knees and head supported, or on their belly with the feet and face supported. Patients should wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows access to the elbows and knees. Nap time then begins...
Adult patients will typically rest with the needles for 20-30 minutes. The time of course varies based on the condition being treated, and the ability to stay comfortable. For example, very small children do not retain the needles, but experience a combination of quick insertions and removal. In some cases, traditional needles are not used at all. Instead, shoni shin tools are employed.
Your practitioner will remove the needles, and gently help you transition to the upright position. Patients might also be given ideas regarding Qi Gong exercises, dietary changes, lifestyle modification, or Chinese herbal supplementation to complement the results of treatment if appropriate.
Welcome to Longevity :)